Christel's Loquacious Lair


Orchestra Paradise
Cello Land
DKC Midi Arrangements
Mad Cat
Kayla & Bernadette's Treacherous Adventure
Orchestra Paradise

Everything on this page is from the 2002-2003 school year.
Here's my beloved chamber orchestra. There are 3 of us cellos, so just know that 1/3 of the cellos you are hearing is me ;) Also, the audio tends to favor the treble notes over the bass ones, so it's a little difficult to hear the cellos and especially the bass. (There's only one bassist.)

The following are pieces I wrote for the chamber orchestra to play at our spring concert. "Pandemonium," and "Salvation of a Dire Civilization."
I didn't put the whole things on here because... they just, suck.. so bad. The orchestra pretty much butchered my pieces, but that's alright. Better luck next time.
This first one is the beginning of Pandemonium, and it turns out the best so that's why it's shown on the page rather than in link form like the rest.

Pandemonium 2

Salvation of a Dire Civilization 1

The following are pieces I wrote for the chamber orchestra to play at a PTSA concert. "Victory," and "In the Eyes of the Victim." We didn't have much time to practice, so they aren't perfect. But hearing my work come alive is just magical :)

Victory 1

Victory 2

In the Eyes of the Victim 1

In the Eyes of the Victim 2

In the Eyes of the Victim 3

In the Eyes of the Victim 4

* Fum Fum Fum *
These wavs are of an orchestra concert which took place on Dec. 12, 2002. The one directly below is my favorite, so that's why only it shows on this page, whereas the others are links. The cello's stand out best in this one, too.

* Patapan *

* Wassail Song 1 *

* Wassail Song 2 *

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